16 Jan 2020

Why ASP.NET Is The Perfect Technology For Development

ASP.NET is an amazing framework for developing web applications. Made by Microsoft, this is a platform that requires deep understanding, but your efforts pay off in the long run as you go on to boast an amazing web app. But before adopting a technology it is important to know your needs fully. Once you have a good understanding of what ASP.NET brings to the table, you can capitalize on it completely!

The Potential Of ASP.NET! 

Let’s take a look at the many benefits of ASP.NET for modern web development:

1. Stellar Performance:

The most important feature of any software is its performance. With ASP.NET development and the Kestrel web server, developing a web app will be a seamless process both in terms of performance and speed. Several big businesses have employed .NET for their web development needs and today boast an amazing app!

2. Cross-platform Development:

With .NET, you can create and deploy web applications across Windows, Linux and Mac platforms. The Microsoft community is always working towards providing developers with features that make ASP.NET more wholesome, efficient and an overall masterpiece.

3. MVC Architecture and API Frameworks:

The MVC style of development fascinates all and ASP.NET developers are no different. MVC was designed to help create web applications backed by HTML whereas the web API was used to make RESTful services by employing JSON or XML. ASP.NET solutions make the most of the MVC framework so that utilizing this model with two-way binding becomes seamless.

4. WebSocketsandSignalR:

WebSockets are used when running long connections and there’s a need for back and forth communication with the browser. Likewise, SignalR is a framework to help handle such situations with ease. SignalR helps make real-time applications incredibly smooth by pushing new data to the browser immediately upon reception.

5. Self-hosted Web Apps:

By using Owin, WCF, etc., you can create self-hosted web applications easily. What makes .NET amazing is that your web app becomes incredibly robust and has little to no discrepancies from both the development and the user perspective.

Reach out to Openwave, the best ASP.NET development company in Singapore, and equip your venture with a stellar web app today! Give your users a dynamic experience with a web app and watch your ROI skyrocket. Our digital solutions will help you achieve complete online dominance in no time.


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