31 Oct 2019

4 New Features Angular 8 Brings to The Table

For the last few months, several updates got rolled out and Angular 8 is seeing a lot of traction because of it! Known widely as Google's client-side web framework, Angular is something that has never stopped scaling. With its cutting-edge provisions for boosting ROI, improving performance and delivering excellence, it is no doubt that Angular development is set to change the way we view web development today.

Angular Web Development 

Here are 5 features Angular 8 houses that you should look out for:

#1. Lazy Loading:

Lazy loading has been followed for quite a while now in Angular, and is becoming a regular practice. While Angular 8 hasn’t particularly changed this, it has reworked the framework to adopt a more dynamic import syntax that works better with client-side web development. This new syntax relies lesser now on parsing class names, but instead enables IDEs to ensure your imports are precise.

#2. Differential Loading:

With the brand new differential loading for Angular 8, you can create two separate production bundles for your app. The <script> tag attributes let your browser request and import an appropriate bundle. Keep in mind that most modern browsers will request a bundle that employs ES2015 JS syntax which will be smaller when compared to the legacy bundle using ES5 to support old browsers.

#3. Workspace APIs:

Workspace APIs aren’t going to come in handy on every project you take. Angular allows you to create and build custom deployment commands using hooks. Similarly, there are APIs allowing users to open and work within defined workspaces. All of this helps reduce the manual manipulation that project configuration requires.

#4. Web Workers:

With Angular development, it is incredibly easy to use web workers and handle CPU-intensive tasks. You need no longer worry about boilerplate syntaxes and drive your focus towards coding better.

With websites becoming crucial, now's the right time for your venture to invest in one! Work with our experts at Openwave and let us equip your business with an amazing site. The top Angular Development Company in Singapore, we will provide you with world-class development solutions at completely affordable prices. Call us today to know more! 

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